Wednesday, May 7, 2014


As you read this post you should hit play and listen to the awesome sounds of ANTHEM!

Last Friday, Anthem played at Cornerstone Church of Ames.  It was truly awesome!  This is such a great group of talented people! That girl on the far left of this next photo?  Yeah, I know her!  (Shout out to Sara W!)

If you want to learn more about these awesome people, check out their website!

Here's a little about who they are:
     "Anthem began in 2002 as a single worship event in the parking lot of Cornerstone Church of Ames in central Iowa.  Since then, Anthem has evolved into a group of dedicated songwriters and musicians who use their gifts to create new songs for today's worshipers.  Anthem remains rooted in the local church, and though names and faces have changed over the years, the band's purpose has always been the same: to glorify God and share the message of Jesus Christ.
     "The way we do this isn't by doing anything flashy or original, but by returning to the core of what it really means to worship.  God doesn't change - the reasons for worshiping Him have been the same through all generations - but art is not static.  The sound and style of worship has been different for every generation.  Our goal is to lead this generation to glorify the unchanging God and to hold on to his unchanging truths. 
     "We've been blessed to watch God use our music to build our local church, but we don't want it to stop with us.  It's our prayer that our music will reach beyond our walls to be a blessing to you and the rest of the church worldwide.  To God be the glory!"

Sunday, April 27, 2014

From Death To Life: The Great Commission

72.  That seems to be the number of the day.  Cornerstone Church of Ames had their Commissioning service today.  72 people got baptized.  72 people are going on missions this summer with Cornerstone and their college ministry The Salt Company!

(photo cred. to Cody Cline!)

Matthew 28: 16-20 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.  When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.  Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

While I am not going on missions with Cornerstone, I am going to spread the word of God this summer through PPM.  It doesn't matter who I serve through, as long as I am with God.  Sharing the word of God with those who do not know it is such a blessing.  

I ask for prayers for the teams going abroad this summer through Cornerstone Church and The Salt Company.  Students will be serving in Albania, China, India, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Senegal, Turkey, and Vietnam all through the summer and some into the fall semester.

I also ask for prayers for the Praying Pelican Missions teams.  Staff and teams will be in Belize, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Haiti, Mexico, South Africa, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Miami, Tuscon, Chicago, and Pittsburgh.

Friday, April 25, 2014

In the Beginning

Dear family and friends,

Recently, a challenging and exciting opportunity was presented to me and I’d like to share it with you.  I am excited to let you know that I have been accepted to the summer internship with Praying Pelican Missions.  I will be serving a 3-4 week long internship from about July 16th to August 10th as an Intern Missions Trip Leader.  I am assigned to the Miami location. I will be an integral member of our 3-6 person leadership teams as we host groups each week.

We will be staying with the participating teams from across the country and be providing the team with a 5-8 day mission trip in one of our host countries.  Responsibilities could include lining up ministry opportunities and ministry sites (construction projects, children’s ministry, sports ministry, service projects, and more), meals, recreation, and transportation.  It could also include preparing breakfast and snacks, leading worship and debriefing, participating in meetings, and generally guiding each church’s trip. 

I would like to invite you to partner with me in this missions experience financially and through prayer.  The total cost of my trip is about $1200.  I need to raise these funds by June 16th.  I also am seeking prayer partners to pray for PPM staff, the groups I will be leading, the ministries, safety, and the people of Miami throughout my internship.  Would you please consider partnering with me in this opportunity?  If you do desire to partner with me financially please send checks to myself which are made payable to Praying Pelican Missions.  These are tax-deductible donations as longs as my name is not written anywhere on the check.


If you would like a letter from me explaining my trip and ways to support me, please let me know!
Please send support to my home address.  Send me a message (through the 'Contact Form' on the sidebar) to receive that address since this blog is public ;)